Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have never had a living room. Yes I have a house in my room that would normally be considered a living room, however ex-husband has had a rather large musical instrument in the room. Recently ex-husband made arrangements to remove the large musical instrument from the room and I will soon have a living room for the first time since I have lived in this house.

In addition to the large musical instrument in that room, I had a love seat and chair that are part of a set, which includes a couch, but there was no room for the couch. I am quite excited to move the couch into the room and it will be the first time this set of furniture has actually been all together in one room. Now I had always envisioned that I would paint this room a lovely egg shell blue and have a very elegant room. However the furniture is sage green, and cream, (the RC Willey special), so a blue room is just not going to work.

I decided a nice shade of yellow would be the right choice. In addition to painting the living room, I have always wanted to have a red dining room, so I figured since I was going to paint the living room I might as well paint the dinning room at the same time. (I will be painting both myself. Painting is one of those things for me that is relaxing and calming. I call it cheap therapy, especially since both rooms will probably only take about a gallon of paint each.) So I set about on Friday night to find just the right shade of yellow, with a red that was complementary, because the rooms are next to each other.

I selected three different shades of red and three different shades of yellow. I brought my samples home, taped them to the wall, and selected one of each color. I placed my samples on the kitchen counter so I could return to Home Depot and purchase my paint. A short time later ex-husband came over to pick up the kids and saw the paint samples on the counter. He knew I had painting on my agenda, and asked if these were the colors I had chosen. I told him "yes" and he kind of got this funny look on his face and then proceeded to tell me that his partner had chosen the EXACT same colors for two rooms that they recently re-painted in their house......

Proving again that if I had a penis I would have been prefect......


Bror said...

The last line made me laugh so hard. The reason being my wife tells me this all the time. Well, if I had a penis....... this post made my day. Good luck with the painting.

mandi said...

totally eerie and creepy and odd and sad and great. all wrapped in one.