Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The victim

My husband says I play the role of a martyr, well if that is the case he plays the roll of the victim. NOTHING is ever his fault, he always has someone or something else to blame. Now that we are apart I am beginning to see this even more clearly. He came over to my house to drop my daughter off after picking her up from dance. I asked how his writing project was going. The day before was a Sunday and since he is no longer active in the church he had all day to work. What did he do, NOTHING. He blamed it on writer's block, which I know writers get blocked, I do a lot of writing for a living and there are days when it flows and days when it does not, but regardless I sit and write and generally after a period of time it starts to flow. He will not even attempt unless he feels he is in "flow." And he lets ANYTHING distract from him in being in flow.

Needless to say when he came to my house he was in a "pissy" mood because he was not meeting his deadlines, hell, he was not even trying to meet his deadlines. It was the fault of the church, because if he had not been told all his life that being a homosexual was wrong, he would not be suffering as he is now. And if he were not suffering now he would not have writer's block.

I have to say I was really glad when he took his negative energy and left. I am just now beginning to realize how much his negativity affected me. It has always been like walking on egg shells around him. If I am going to say ANYTHING remotely critical I have to say it at the right time in the right manner, and even then who knows how he will take it. I was never really free to express how I felt, because it was usually turned around to be my fault or my problem. Over the last few years I just quit saying anything because it was just easier.

Now living on his own, he is running out of people and things to blame for his problems, aside from the church, which is currently the root of everything that is wrong in his life.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Wow, did this post hit home.

I'm not trying to excuse your husband at all, or say that it's right for him to blame his writer's block on the Church or whatever, but he might have a point...

I've always had an extremely difficult time focusing on a task, and I've never been good at finishing a project (much to my wife's dismay). I've recently been diagnosed with Adult ADD and I'm on medication for that, which has helped immensely, but even before I started the medication (a month ago) I was finding myself more motivated and more able to get things done.

I think that there is some validity to the idea that suppressed or buried homosexuality can (at least in some people) hinder productivity. Accepting myself and finding peace with who I am seems to have released some of those blocks and allowed me to do more with less effort than I used to be able to do.

If your husband is still having problems, perhaps he still hasn't really accepted his orientation completely?

(He might also consider talking to a psychologist about Adult ADD if an inability to focus on a project has been a chronic issue).